Jul 31, 2006


At the end of May, 2 ministry staff left and the 3 of us left wondered how we would do ministry. Although transition is never easy, it is still part of the growth process.

God has answered our prayers for help. Karen Dickey, an MK studying at Southeastern University in Lakeland FL, came as a summer worker. Because she grew up in Japan, she is fluent in Japanese and knows Tokyo well. She has been a great help.

Also, most of the teams who came this summer have been coming to Japan for the past 3-4 years. The first team from Southern Illinois University -Carbondale brought their own translators for their 2 groups: both Ayumi and Sayaka became believers through Chi Alpha while studying in the U.S. God has raised them up to reach their own people.

The Tokyo group ministered each week at 6 campuses. At
Waseda University, 2 students prayed for salvation. A graduate student who had been seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit received her prayer language at the train station. There were quite a few stares as people must have wondered what language they were speaking.

At Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, the team used break dancing to attract attention. A crowd of over 30 attended. However, university officials decided this was not “healthy” and banned outsiders -including us missionaries-from coming on campus. While there is great spiritual hunger among students, there is also spiritual warfare that attempts to thwart the work of God. As of now, we’re meeting with the student leaders off-campus.

Rikkyo University, a local pastor has joined us each week. He recently prayed with a student for salvation.

Jessica Hyatt came last summer as a summer worker. This summer she led a team from her Chi Alpha at the University of Central Washington University in Ellensburg WA.

Last summer God used her greatly in leading Mura, a Waseda student, to the Lord. Earlier this year we lost touch with him after he experienced opposition from his parents after becoming a Christian. However, because of renewing last year’s summer relationships and after much prayer, Mura finally came back. Thank you for your prayers!

Also, Jessica’s team had a God-given opportunity to connect with their sister university in Tokyo. They were invited to speak in 8 classes to over 125 students abd gave a gospel message in response to students’ questions.

About 10 years ago, when I was doing campus ministry at the U of South Alabama, I met a student named Richard Skinner from the University of Alabama at a retreat. Since then, he has become a campus minister in Texas and has married. He and his wife Dana came to Japan this summer on their first missions trip.

On their first night at Waseda University, Richard spoke and invited students to pray and believe in Jesus. That night Kazumi prayed and talked about her decision with a staff member. (Japanese will sometimes pray just to please the person asking and not really make a real decision to believe.)

Richard and Dana gained a greater perspective on reaching Japan, and we look forward to more ministry partnership in the future.

A great highlight this summer was that my dad, niece, and her friend took their first international trip to come visit me. I showed them around Tokyo, and they joined me at a university Bible study and in teaching English at my church.