Mar 28, 2008

Promotional Video for the Chi Alpha Student Center

As I've said in previous blogs, Chi Alpha Japan now has a student center. It is presently being renovated. Please watch the following video and let me know what you think.

Mar 7, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Great news! As of February 25, I received financial clearance from my missions organization, AGWM. That means that my budget has been raised and that I can purchase airfare. Soon thereafter, I bought a one-way ticket with a departure date of May 7 from the Huntsville, Alabama airport to Tokyo on Continental Airlines. It will be an early departure (6 AM) so I don't envision anyone except family being there to see me off. Needless to say, I'm excited about returning.

God has been so faithful in the support-raising endeavors. In fact, I haven't felt any real pressure to meet the budget goal, but I've sensed Jehovah Jireh's incredible grace. I still have two months of scheduled services to go, but I plan to enjoy ministering and connecting with people here at home. It's actually amazing that I'm now having to say "no" to invitations. WOW!