Each March our campus ministry team hosts a training seminar in preparation for beginning the new school year in April. This year 73 people attended! They represented 18 churches and 17 universities from many parts of Japan! We also had 14 high school students (the most we've ever had of this age bracket) and 3 junior high school students. If young people can catch a vision for campus ministry before they go to university, they will be most effective in reaching their peers.
During the altar service a student saw a vision of a room representing things he was holding onto and his sin. When he confessed and repented of his sin to Jesus, he saw Jesus coming and hugging him. Also another student was baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Many who attended were first time pastors and students who are interested in campus ministry. Will you pray that what God began will bear much fruit over the following months and years?
With the start of the new school year, we held “A New Start” theme party at the University of Tokyo campus on April 20. This was a cultural event as well as an evangelistic event. Four newcomers came. One Japanese student who came had also attended our chocolate outreach party in February. Also, a young lady who works in the university hospital and has been coming to our weekly Bible study recently became a believer. That night we presented her with a card and a devotional book.
It is so encouraging and refreshing to be part of God’s plan to seek and save lost people in a spiritually dry land. Thank you for your prayers and support that make it possible to be laboring in the harvest field of Japan!