Feb 19, 2013

That All Nations May Believe and Obey Him

From December  28-30 I participated in The World Missions Summit held in Ft. Worth, Texas. About  1/4 of the participants responded to "give a year and pray about a lifetime" to missions.

A personal highlight was being part of God's network to save two Japanese exchange students at the conference. I met them in the Asia Pacific Experience Room. That evening at the Meal with a Missionary, the girls prayed to receive Jesus into their lives. Later I was  asked to confirm in Japanese if they understood what they had done. Just as I was about to talk with them, Yoriko Yabuki, Japan A/G missionary, walked by so I called her over to meet them. I sensed the two girls needed to hear from a Japanese Christian. Yoriko confirmed that they understood they had indeed become believers. It was a blessing to be part of not only recruiting workers at TWMS but to also reap the Japanese harvest!

On March 3-7, we will host our annual university ministry training seminar in Tokyo. Please pray for this event!

On April 16, I will return to Alabama and begin itineration. I would love to see you and share what God has done in Japan in the past 5 years. Please contact me!

THANK YOU for partnering in spreading the gospel so “that all  nations may believe and obey Him!” (Romans 16:20)

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